Follow the new SkyWatchTV Instagram account. Christina Peck is doing a fantastic job of catching everything that happens behind the scenes.Continue Reading

An artist filmed herself having sex with a stranger, she says, to encourage debate on the patriarchal nature of sexual violence. She succeeds only in proving that she’s living in a bubble.Continue Reading

There are people who interpret the spread of “conspiracy theories” through social media as proof that we need protecting from ourselves.Continue Reading

Blogger Matt Walsh normally makes sense. His post about the withdrawal of Ted Cruz from the presidential race, however, reads like the temper tantrum of a spoiled child.Continue Reading

While he’s correct about the situation, retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney is wrong about the cause.Continue Reading

Stories like this make my head hurt. Maybe I’m just not smart enough to get my head around the implications.  Or maybe the whole notion, which is apparently gaining traction among academics, is just stupid: Free will might be an illusion created by our brains, scientists might have proved. HumansContinue Reading