One of the Mesopotamian deities I researched when working on The Great Inception was the mysterious god Amurru. His name is the same as the Akkadian word for the Amorites, which basically means “westerner.”Continue Reading

THE HEARTBREAK of Jeremiah at the prophesied destruction of Jerusalem is evident in this week’s reading: My anguish, my anguish! I writhe in pain! Oh the walls of my heart!Continue Reading

YOU’D THINK that prophets of Yahweh during the reign of good king Josiah would have been a little more upbeat. Not so much.Continue Reading

A terror attack in New York this afternoon by a guy who witnesses say shouted, “Allahu akhbar!” — and MSNBC’s “breaking news” is Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion with the Trump campaign (with no mention of the Podestas, of course). Wait, wait — here comes Rachel Maddow… And… theContinue Reading

HOW DOES a man go from training to be a rabbi to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ on the streets of Tel Aviv? Messianic rabbi Zev Porat of Messiah of Israel Ministries explains the challenges and joys of witnessing to Jews in Israel.Continue Reading

At least, he was Friday night at the Welk Resort Theater in Branson. His one-man show is two hours of life, love, fatherhood, and Trek. Sharon and I loved it. Absolutely marvelous.Continue Reading