TRUSTING IN other people will usually disappoint. This week’s reading in Psalms is timely, giving that we’re less than three weeks away from electing a new president in the United States.Continue Reading

China funded groups linked to BLM responsible for destructive protests across the country in 2020, apparently to divide and destroy the US without firing a shot.

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Two teens in a stolen car deliberately hit and killed a random bicyclist last month in Las Vegas. Police found the boys after they shared video of the killing to social media. This is symptomatic of a growing spiritual evil.Continue Reading

THE WOMAN seated on the scarlet beast in the wilderness is called Babylon the Great, “a name of mystery.” The beast is described as a chimera in Revelation 12—part leopard, part lion, part bear. That’s a callback to the beasts of Daniel 7 which, if you include the fourth beastContinue Reading