HE HADN’T intended to be a prophet, but that’s the work to which the Lord called him. Amos, a contemporary of Isaiah, was a shepherd from south of Jerusalem in the kingdom of Judah. However, he devoted most of the nine chapters of his book to warning the northern kingdom of Israel about its imminent doom — a judgment decreed by God.Continue Reading

GOD’S JUDGMENT on an unrepentant world is the focus of this week’s New Testament study. We discuss the first six trumpet judgments, which include the release of the demonic horde from the abyss.Continue Reading

We got word today that the truck bringing The Great Inception from the printer is on the way. It should get to the warehouse by Friday or Monday latest. Thanks for your patience!Continue Reading

The Hear the Watchmen Conference was a great success. It was an honor to speak to the gathering, especially as I was able to share some of the moving prose Sharon created for her forthcoming series of novels.Continue Reading