The guilty verdicts in Donald Trump’s hush money trial mark a new low in American justice. Going forward, every president of the United States will be haunted by the specter of political prosecution the minute they leaves office.Continue Reading

THE WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY is set to pass a package of amendments to the International Health Regulations that makes the World Health Organization, at least on paper, an unelected global government.Continue Reading

THE U.S. GOVERNMENT is in a legal standoff with the state of Texas over control of the border with Mexico.Continue Reading

ONE OF THE ISSUES discussed by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland this week is preparing for “Disease X.”

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PROPOSED AMENDMENTS to the International Health Regulations, guidelines published by the World Health Organization in 2005, would give the WHO power not held by any other global body except the United Nations Security Council.Continue Reading

Senate Republicans agreed to raise the federal debt limit by another $2.5, but they did it in a way to make it look like they opposed the increase. It’s all theater.Continue Reading