Unraveling Revelation: Geopolitics and Theopolitics
NEWS HEADLINES are shadows of events in the spirit realm. It’s why Paul wrote, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood.”Continue Reading
NEWS HEADLINES are shadows of events in the spirit realm. It’s why Paul wrote, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood.”Continue Reading
IRAN ATTACKED ISRAEL late last night, the first time the Islamic Republic has struck at Israel directly. The sight of missiles over the Temple Mount evokes images of the end times.Continue Reading
THE WOMAN seated on the scarlet beast in the wilderness is called Babylon the Great, “a name of mystery.” The beast is described as a chimera in Revelation 12—part leopard, part lion, part bear. That’s a callback to the beasts of Daniel 7 which, if you include the fourth beastContinue Reading
WE OFTEN encounter scriptures we’ve read before that jump out at us this time through the Bible. This week, we hit another one.Continue Reading
Who is Lucifer? Most of us have been taught it’s Satan, but evidence in the Bible suggests otherwise.Continue Reading
WHERE JESUS performed his miracles is often just as important as the miracles themselves.Continue Reading
THERE IS MORE spiritual warfare in the psalms than we realize!Continue Reading
Remembering where we came from is the theme of this week’s study, three psalms of Asaph, a contemporary of David, that lament the trials of the faithful in contrast to the apparent success of the wicked.Continue Reading
IS CHAOS a symbol of disorder, or is it, as certain passages in the Bible suggest, an entity?Continue Reading
WHO’S IN charge of the end-times rebellion against God?Continue Reading
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