EVEN SECULAR researchers admit that UFOs (or UAPs, as they’re now called) behave more like interdimensional craft than ships from outside our solar system. Christians, who should have been among the first to point this out, still tend to ignore UFOs altogether.Continue Reading

THE DEATH OF THE GODS is prophesied in the Bible. This is not in dispute, unless one argues that God Himself was mistaken in calling the pagan gods of the ancient world “gods.”Continue Reading

THE PEOPLE in Canaan engaged in what God called “abominable practices”: First, burning a child as an offering to Molech, followed by divination, reading omens, augury, sorcery, enchantment, consulting mediums, necromancy, and inquiring of the dead.Continue Reading

Carl Teichrib, author of Game of Gods: The Temple of Man in the Age of Re-enchantment, shares his observations about a recent conference of pagans in the upper Midwest. The takeaway: The old gods are coming back, and they want their temples rebuilt. Click here for the notes and audio forContinue Reading