More than three dozen churches have been burned or vandalized in Canada, thanks in part to misinformation about hundreds of unmarked graves discovered in western Canada. The media’s coverage has made things worse. Banned by YouTube! Please follow SkyWatchTV on Rumble: 5) Capitol Police becomes new federal police forceContinue Reading

More than a dozen churches have been vandalized or burned to the ground in Canada in recent weeks after discoveries of hundreds of unmarked graves at former residential schools for indigenous children. Thing is, the media hasn’t told the whole story.

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A student in suburban Indianapolis, adopted out of foster care at age 4, recently took her local school board to task for teaching that regardless of her life experience, she’s privileged because of the color of her skin.

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Legislators from Tennessee want an explanation for what appears to be a secret program to use Chattanooga as a hub for resettling unaccompanied illegal migrant children—a plan that one source says began in Dallas, but was moved to avoid attention.

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The world’s largest asset manager, a supporter of the Great Reset, is buying up single family homes, contributing to a growing bubble in real estate prices. The median home sale price hit a record $350,000 in May, up 24% from 2020.

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The Chinese government now admits damage to fuel rods at the Taishan nuclear plant but said the problem is “common” and there’s no need for concern. Since the CCP has been so open and forthright about the origin of SARS-2…

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An intense rocket barrage this week has pushed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to its highest level since the 2014 Gaza War. The question is whether this attack was at the bidding of Iran.

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American media was fixated on hearings about the January 6 riot at the Capitol Monday while the al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount was engulfed in smoke.

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