Google is scrambling to remove bizarre search results by its AI Overview product, which has recommended that people eat rocks for nutritious minerals and add non-toxic glue to pizza sauce to help cheese stick to the crust.Continue Reading

Rep. Jim Jordan, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, revealed Monday that the White House did an end run around the First Amendment and pressured Amazon during the pandemic lockdowns to censor books that questioned the accepted narrative on vaccines.

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A study found that while over 80% of college students support the antisemitic chant “from the river to the sea,” most have no idea which river or sea are meant or what the phrase implies—the extermination of 9 million Israelis.

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Matt Gaetz (R-FL) announced Sunday that he’ll file a motion this week to remove Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker after it was revealed that McCarthy cut a side deal with Democrats to get a stopgap budget bill passed.

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Russia’s Foreign Ministry replied to a report last week that the US is building a dorm at an RAF base in the UK for nuclear safety and security, saying the Kremlin would respond to US nukes in Britain with “countermeasures.”

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The fact that The New York Times and Washington Post are reporting on Nazi symbols worn by many Ukrainian soldiers and that Ukraine’s military may have blown up the Nord Stream gas pipeline shows that the official narrative on the war is changing.

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Three Russian airbases have been hit by Ukrainian drones since Monday, a major escalation in the conflict as the US Congress prepares to authorize another $38 billion in aid for Ukraine. US taxpayers are now essentially funding the Ukrainian government.

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