Nimrod the Empire Builder
NIMROD HAD nothing to do with Babel or Babylon—and they had nothing to do with one another.Continue Reading
NIMROD HAD nothing to do with Babel or Babylon—and they had nothing to do with one another.Continue Reading
THE WOMAN seated on the scarlet beast in the wilderness is called Babylon the Great, “a name of mystery.” The beast is described as a chimera in Revelation 12—part leopard, part lion, part bear. That’s a callback to the beasts of Daniel 7 which, if you include the fourth beastContinue Reading
WE OFTEN encounter scriptures we’ve read before that jump out at us this time through the Bible. This week, we hit another one.Continue Reading
ISAIAH 14 is comprised of multiple sections. The first three appear to address the king of Babylon, “Lucifer,” and “the Assyrian.” We think those sections, Isaiah 14:1–27, are directed at a single entity—and it’s not Satan.Continue Reading
Who is Lucifer? Most of us have been taught it’s Satan, but evidence in the Bible suggests otherwise.Continue Reading
THE DESTRUCTION of Nineveh, capital of Assyria, was prophesied by Nahum about a century after the city was spared in the days of Jonah. However, its ultimate destruction may be linked to the fate of Mystery Babylon in the last days.Continue Reading
THE U.S. GOVERNMENT is facing a disaster of Biblical proportions if it doesn’t raise the debt ceiling by June 1! At least, that’s how the media spins it.Continue Reading
One of the most enduring mysteries of the Bible is the identity of the Great Prostitute, or the whore of Babylon.Continue Reading
Those words are spoken by God Himself when the seventh and final bowl of His wrath is poured out on the earth.Continue Reading
What was it about the Amorites that connects Abraham, the sojourn of Israel in Egypt, and the end times?Continue Reading
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