Trying to make sense of the times in the light of scripture is the goal of the upcoming Hear the Watchmen conferenceMike Kerr and Jeannie Moore talk about the event and what motivated them to take on the massive challenge of putting it together.Continue Reading

WILL THE Rapture of the Church happen this coming September? Scott Clarke of ERF Ministries thinks so. In this fascinating discussion, Scott makes his case for the Rapture occurring with an astronomical alignment in September of 2017.Continue Reading

ALL TOO often, patriotic American Christians conflate God and Country. While the world would be a better place if true Christians were running the show, we can’t fix spiritual problems through politics.Continue Reading

THERE IS a spiritual sickness that runs through a certain segment of the upper class. Every now and then a story manages to break through, reporting dark deeds by wealthy and powerful people against young and helpless victims. This privileged class was referred to by the late investigative journalist David McGowan as The Pedophocracy.Continue Reading