A HIGHLY FUNDED unofficial government agency, working off the books to investigate the UFO and alien abduction phenomena. That sounds like The X-Files, Project Blue Book, or Men in Black—but it’s real.

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SOMETIMES, TO REACH the lost, you have to get radical. Drew Graffia teaches solid, biblical theology with a unique video style that appeals to people who think the Bible is boring.

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THE BIBLE did not drop from the sky fully formed and edited, much less translated into Elizabethan English. This may seem obvious, but many Christians are uncomfortable thinking about the process that produced the scriptures we take as the Word of God.

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80,000 PEOPLE will meet next week in the Nevada desert to fundamentally change the world around you. Carl Teichrib, author of Game of Gods, will be at Burning Man again this year, and he explains why you should pay close attention to what’s happening at events like this.

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