As the women bowed their faces to the ground in terror, the two men asked them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen!”Continue Reading

HE HADN’T intended to be a prophet, but that’s the work to which the Lord called him. Amos, a contemporary of Isaiah, was a shepherd from south of Jerusalem in the kingdom of Judah. However, he devoted most of the nine chapters of his book to warning the northern kingdom of Israel about its imminent doom — a judgment decreed by God.Continue Reading

GOD’S JUDGMENT on an unrepentant world is the focus of this week’s New Testament study. We discuss the first six trumpet judgments, which include the release of the demonic horde from the abyss.Continue Reading

PROPHESYING DURING a time just before a calamity has to be one of the worst jobs ever. Isaiah was called to be a prophet during a visit to the throne room of God, but his orders were to make sure the people of Judah didn’t listen to God.Continue Reading

THE FIRST six seals are opened in our study of Revelation this week. Bearing in mind that the meaning of these seals has been debated for 2,000 years, we offer our best understanding of the images and prophecies recorded by John.Continue Reading

PRIDE AND repentance are the themes of this week’s Old Testament study. First we discuss the Book of Jonah, a short four-chapter study in obedience to God and His mercy toward those who repent.Continue Reading

NOW WE get to the prophetic stuff! The Book of Revelation was written by John, either in the mid-60s A.D. or around 95 A.D. Most scholars believe it was the later date, during the reign of Domitian, although some believe it was thirty years earlier, during the reign of Nero.Continue Reading

IRON AGE history is a bloody business, and the history of the kings of Israel and Judah is no different. This week’s Old Testament study looks at transfers of power — somewhat less than peaceful — in the generation following Ahab and Jehoshaphat.Continue Reading

THE EARLY church had to deal with a number of heretical teachings. In his gentle style, John counseled believers to love one another, to recognize false teachings, and to test the spirits, because not everything that manifests from the supernatural realm is from God.Continue Reading