The prophesied return of the exiles from Babylon is the focus of our study today.Continue Reading

PHYSICAL RESURRECTION is an aspect of Bible prophecy that’s not often discussed. Today, we explore Daniel 12:2-3 to show how the prophets and apostles understood not only that we will be physically resurrected someday, but that the Rephaim — i.e., the spirits of the Nephilim — will be “blocked” from this resurrection. ClickContinue Reading

THIS WEEK, we dig into one of the most historically dense sections of scripture. It’s especially fascinating because the history recorded here was written in advance.Continue Reading

IT’S NO WONDER Daniel was so distressed by the visions we discuss this week that he “lay sick for some days.”Continue Reading

WHILE POLITICS hasn’t changed much in the last 2,500 years, we’re thankful that today being “thrown to the lions” is just a figure of speech. In Daniel’s day, it was apparently an effective way to dispose of political enemies.Continue Reading

TODAY WE discuss the fall of Babylon. It wasn’t just divine punishment for the hubris of King Belshazzar; this was a smackdown in the spirit realm.Continue Reading

THIS WEEK’S study in the book of Daniel gives us a window into the polytheistic world of ancient Mesopotamia. Click here for this week’s Bible study.Continue Reading

End times prophecy is the focus of this week’s study as we conclude the Book of Joel and begin our study of Daniel. Click here for the notes and audio for this week’s Bible study.Continue Reading

WE CONCLUDE our study of Ezekiel and move on to the apocalyptic prophecy of Joel this week. Here’s a hint: The soldiers of Joel’s Army are the bad guys.Continue Reading