I thought I’d posted these but I obviously was distracted by a shiny object on the way to getting it done.  Here are videos of the talks I gave on war in the supernatural realm at Morningside Church during our second visit there in August.Continue Reading

I’ve used the word neo-Ottoman to describe Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan before, but it’s only just hit me how accurate that is.Continue Reading

A COMMON thread through the Proverbs is the wisdom of listening to correction or reproof. As hard as it can be to hear that we need to rethink the way we’re doing things, true wisdom comes from listening to guidance.Continue Reading

THE GIFTS of the Spirit and Paul’s instructions for their application are just part of this week’s study based on Paul’s letters to the church at Corinth. We discuss the resurrection of the dead, apologetics based on eyewitness testimony, and the death of the gods as we cover some of the most remarkable chapters in the New Testament.Continue Reading

Remember when they called Jerome Corsi crazy for his Internet conspiracy theory about the North American Union? “They” are the same people are backing Hillary. And she says: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.”Continue Reading

Hurricane Matthew hasn’t even made landfall in the US yet and already it’s an example of why people need to vote Hillary — at least, it is if you’re a reporter for NBC. Not only that, the just-ratified Paris climate deal is “designed to stop” storms like this. Wow! Science!Continue Reading