The intersection of science and the supernatural: The Bible says there is a spirit named Terror. What happens if it gets control of an autonomous artificial intelligence?Continue Reading

Some 30 million Americans could face homelessness after a moratorium on evictions expired Saturday. Meanwhile, America’s largest corporate landlords are ready to snap up foreclosed homes to add to their holdings. Is this part of the Great Reset?Continue Reading

Facebook plans to transition over the next five years from a social media company to a “metaverse” company—an interface between users and the rest of the world. In other words, Facebook wants to become the Matrix.Continue Reading

As some experts point out that new case counts from the delta variant in the UK are already dropping, reports are beginning to surface of a new, even more infectious variant in South America called lambda.

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THE REPHAIM were remembered by Israel as giants, or at least as people who venerated the giants of the pre-Flood world. That’s why God marked them for destruction before Israel entered the Promised Land.Continue Reading

Chaos magick has been growing in popularity in occult circles over the last half-century. It’s an outgrowth of Aleister Crowley’s Thelema, which was his attempt to develop scientific methods to control the spirit realm.

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