Mingled with the Seed of Men
KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR saw a vision that disturbed him so much that he ordered his sorcerers, enchanters, and magicians to tell him what he’d dreamed and its interpretation—on pain of death.Continue Reading
KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR saw a vision that disturbed him so much that he ordered his sorcerers, enchanters, and magicians to tell him what he’d dreamed and its interpretation—on pain of death.Continue Reading
SOMETHING STRANGE has been happening on this planet for literally thousands of years, and it connects an intrusion into our world by fallen angels to modern paranormal phenomena like those reportedly observed at Skinwalker Ranch.Continue Reading
Why do we Christians treat some of the most important characters in the Bible as though they’re made up?Continue Reading
SOFT DISCLOSURE of the existence of “extraterrestrial” life has gone mainstream, with stories about UAPs appearing in the corporate media regularly since December, 2017.Continue Reading
WE MARK our 200th episode this week by reflecting on one of the most remarkable things we’ve learned about Bible prophecy over the last four years.Continue Reading
WERE THE fertility goddesses of the ancient world the women who’d been taken as wives by the rebel Watchers?Continue Reading
OUR DETOUR through Nahum, Isaiah, and Ezekiel finally takes us back to Isaiah 14, the chapter with the famous verse, “How art thou fallen from heaven, o Lucifer, son of the morning.”Continue Reading
OSIRIS ISN’T mentioned in the Bible—at least, not directly. However, a loanword in Isaiah 14:19 suggests that the prophet Isaiah had the Egyptian god of the underworld in mind.Continue Reading
ONE OF THE difficulties in understanding the spirit realm is that New Testament authors, especially Paul, used the same Greek terms for both earthly and heavenly beings.Continue Reading
What’s the difference between angels, cherubim, and seraphim? Who are the Watchers, and can a messenger angel, a malak, be promoted to the rank of Watcher?Continue Reading
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