Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Egypt plan to join BRICS, the economic alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The timing is awkward for President Biden as he prepares to meet with the Saudis, but Turkey’s membership is potentially more significant.Continue Reading

Thousands of farmers in the Netherlands are protesting a government plan to reduce nitrogen pollution by cutting the amount of livestock in the country by about a third. This will have a huge impact on the food supply of Western Europe and the world.Continue Reading

It didn’t take long for keyboard warriors to assign blame for the horrific shooting in Highland Park, Illinois on July 4th to people with opposing political views. This fails to recognize the true cause—spiritual evil, which will not be defeated at the ballot box.Continue Reading

The Atlanta Fed’s GDPnow measure, which tracks economic data in real time, shows a contraction in the second quarter of 2022 of 2.1%. Following the first quarter’s 1.6% drop, this meets the technical definition of a recession.Continue Reading

Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison for helping financier Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse underage girls. She was placed on suicide watch several days ago though her attorney says she isn’t suicidal—but then, neither was Epstein.Continue Reading

Friday’s ruling by the Supreme Court ended federal protection for abortions and returns the matter of legality to the several states. Contrary to the claims of some commentators, this does not open the door to revisit same-sex marriage, interracial marriage, or contraception.Continue Reading

The director of the Texas Department of Public Safety told lawmakers there Tuesday that police could have neutralized the shooter in Uvalde three minutes after he entered the school building but for the on-scene commander “who decided to place the lives of officers before the lives of children.”Continue Reading

Lithuania’s decision to block shipments of sanctioned goods across its territory to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad has been called “openly hostile” by the Kremlin, raising the specter of open war between Russia and NATO.Continue Reading