THE STORY of a global flood is common to many cultures all over the world. Today, we read the real story behind the flood of Noah.

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PHYSICAL RESURRECTION is an aspect of Bible prophecy that’s not often discussed. Today, we explore Daniel 12:2-3 to show how the prophets and apostles understood not only that we will be physically resurrected someday, but that the Rephaim — i.e., the spirits of the Nephilim — will be “blocked” from this resurrection. ClickContinue Reading

WHILE POLITICS hasn’t changed much in the last 2,500 years, we’re thankful that today being “thrown to the lions” is just a figure of speech. In Daniel’s day, it was apparently an effective way to dispose of political enemies.Continue Reading

AFTER 2,000 years, scholars and student of Bible prophecy still haven’t nailed down the identity of Mystery Babylon in the Book of Revelation. Bill Salus joined us at the Hear the Watchmen conference in Dallas to discuss his recent debate with Joel Richardson on this topic.Continue Reading

WE REACH the end of the New Testament this week. The Revelation of John concludes with final judgments against Satan, the Beast, Death, Hades, and all whose names are not written in the Book of Life.Continue Reading

TIMES WILL be hard during the seven-year period called the Great Tribulation. You don’t want to be here for it.Continue Reading

GOD’S JUDGMENT on an unrepentant world is the focus of this week’s New Testament study. We discuss the first six trumpet judgments, which include the release of the demonic horde from the abyss.Continue Reading