The story in the Book of 1 Enoch would make a compelling supernatural thriller. It has two main villains—Watcher-class angels named Shemihazah and Azazel. Shemihazah is the leader of the rebel faction—their king, if you will. But the sins of Asael form another narrative that’s worth our attention.

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Eight people were killed and hundreds injured at rapper Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival in Houston last Friday. His stage looked like a portal to the netherworld at the base of a mountain, an image that evokes Mount Hermon and the Grotto of Pan.Continue Reading

THE NUMBER of bulls sacrificed during the annual Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is unparalleled in any other feast given to Moses by God.

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Another fun discussion today with messianic Rabbi Eric Walker on Revealing the Truth as we discussed the historical and prophetic connections between Mount Hermon and the Mount of Olives.Continue Reading