GOD CLAIMED for Himself the tribe of Levi in lieu of the firstborn sons of all Israel. We discuss the duties of the clans of the Levite and why it was imperative that only the high priest entered the Holiest Place.

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ISRAEL PREPARES for war: This week, we study the arrangement of the tribes around the tabernacle and their order as they organize for the march to Canaan.

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SPEAKING WITH SPIRITS was strictly forbidden by God. This might seem to be a quaint and antiquated notion, but the fact that we encounter the prohibition three times in our reading today indicates that this was a serious issue in ancient Canaan.

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IT’S ANOTHER weird section of scripture this week, which, as you know by now, means it’s important.

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THE SCAPEGOAT is a concept that originated at Mount Sinai. This week, we discuss God’s commandment to send a goat into the wilderness for Azazel.

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ISRAEL WAS commanded to be holy because God was literally in their midst. The Law set them apart for Yahweh, distinct from other people.Continue Reading

GOD GAVE very explicit instructions for the slaughter of animals required for the slaughter of animals for required offerings.

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THE CONSTRUCTION of the tabernacle is the focus of this week’s study—although, as usual, we follow some rabbit trails that lead us to other parts of the Bible.

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