President Biden has threatened to cancel the already-completed Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine. It’s not clear how he’ll do that, but the bigger question is whether Europe can give up 1/3 of its energy supply in the middle of winter.Continue Reading

An outage at Amazon last week disrupted package deliveries, silenced the Alexa personal assistant, and locked some people out of their homes. Meanwhile, police in Canada warn that Internet-connected tracking devices are being used to steal high-end vehicles.Continue Reading

Police in Australia mounted a manhunt to track down three teenage boys who escaped a COVID quarantine facility in the Northern Territories. Meanwhile, calls are growing in Europe and North America to make vaccines mandatory for all adults.Continue Reading

Facebook plans to transition over the next five years from a social media company to a “metaverse” company—an interface between users and the rest of the world. In other words, Facebook wants to become the Matrix.Continue Reading