IT SEEMS like the world has gone mad. Russia has invaded Ukraine, a nation that the United States and its allies pledged to protect. Is this the beginning of the end of days?

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WHEN, EXACTLY, did Satan rebel? We discuss the connections between the red dragon of Revelation 12 and Jesus statement that he “saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” (Luke 10:18).Continue Reading

The battle of Armageddon will be fought at, and for, Jerusalem. We explain how a mistake in transliterating led to the belief that Armageddon would be at Megiddo, why Jerusalem makes more sense than Megiddo, and why the “serpent” in Eden was not a talking snake. Join us in IsraelContinue Reading

WE CONCLUDE our study of Ezekiel and move on to the apocalyptic prophecy of Joel this week. Here’s a hint: The soldiers of Joel’s Army are the bad guys.Continue Reading