IT DIDN’T take long for Israel to forget God. Within thirty years of arriving in Canaan, God was compelled to tell the Israelites that because of their disobedience, He would not drive out the people before them.Continue Reading

January 6 is the date celebrated each year by Western Christians as Epiphany, and Theophany by Christians in the Eastern churches. It marks the revelation of God incarnate in the form of Jesus. And what happened on Epiphany in 2021? “America’s temple” was invaded by the Q-Anon Shaman in his crazy buffalo hat. Remember the long association of bull imagery with this entity. It would be a startling coincidence, if we believed in coincidences.Continue Reading

HALLOWEEN CELEBRATES death and the dead. Today, we set aside our schedule of scripture to discuss the spirits and how they’ve convinced humanity that engaging in practices forbidden by God is not only harmless, but profitable and fun.Continue Reading

THE PUNISHMENT God ordered for a number of sins, ranging from sexual relations before marriage (for women) to rebelling against one’s parents (for sons), seems harsh by today’s standards.Continue Reading

I’ll be on the air live with Bill & Joel on WDUN in Gainesville, Georgia this morning at 6:42 Eastern Time (UTC -5). We’ll be discussing the special election in Georgia’s 6th District and why progressives are actually REgressive. You can listen live by clicking here.Continue Reading