Left-wing parties colluded to prevent the conservative National Rally party from winning a majority in parliamentary elections in France Saturday. Supporters rioted in Paris anyway, so it’s a good thing they didn’t lose.

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France and Moldova signed a defense cooperation agreement Thursday, apparently in response to eastern Moldova’s request for Russian “protection.,” just days after Germany was caught planning to bomb a key Russian bridge.

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Commentator Keith Olbermann responded to Monday’s 9–0 Supreme Court ruling striking down a move by Colorado to keep Donald Trump off the ballot by posting that the justices, including two women of color, are “inept at reading comprehension.”

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Russia is prepared to agree to a request by Transnistria, a breakaway region of eastern Moldova bordering on Ukraine, to send troops for “protection” against “increased pressure” from the Moldovan government.

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While some media outlets are rightly highlighting the Durham report, which found no basis for the FBI’s investigation of Donald Trump, John Durham left the big question unasked: What was Special Counsel Robert Mueller really doing for two years?

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France has announced it plans to send light tanks to Ukraine while the Biden administration is considering sending Bradley fighting vehicles, marking the first time Western-made armor would be deployed against Russian troops in Ukraine.Continue Reading