A writer for the World Economic Forum proposes using artificial intelligence to analyze data from “millions of sources” to decide who deserves to be banned from the Internet for sharing unapproved opinions.Continue Reading

Rudy Giuliani testified before a special grand jury in Atlanta Monday, part of an investigation into election interference by Donald Trump. It appears the Deep State is using all-out lawfare to kneecap a potential presidential run by Trump in ’24.Continue Reading

It’s a question being asked by some Taiwanese government officials after Pelosi Jr., the second-largest investor in a major Chinese tech firm, accompanied his mother on her visit to the island. Specifically, why are children of prominent Democrats so skilled at landing high-paying jobs with foreign companies?Continue Reading

The FBI raided Mar-a-Lago, the home of former President Trump, ostensibly looking for documents improperly removed from the White House. Given the FBI’s behavior in the Russian collusion hoax, we have low confidence that the warrant, the search, or the motives behind it are legit.Continue Reading

Based on leaked documents obtained by Project Veritas, it appears the FBI’s alliance with the Democratic Party has reached a new low.Continue Reading

The FBI’s efforts to interfere in the last two presidential elections on behalf of Democrats brings to mind the Praetorian Guard in the Roman Empire. Once the Guard realized it had the power to make and break emperors, who learned to play ball—or else.Continue Reading

President Biden Monday, working from a child-like set of talking points, walked back his comments in Europe that suggested the US was about to enter a shooting war with Russia.Continue Reading

The FDA has asked a federal judge for 55 years to review the data it used to authorize Pfizer’s COVID vaccine before releasing it to the public—data it considered for just 108 days before approving the jab.Continue Reading

The media declared a Facebook whistleblower a hero this week, but make no mistake—progressives don’t want to weaken Facebook, they want to harness its power to silence conservatives.Continue Reading