BACK TO the beginning! Today, we begin our study of the Old Testament, nearly five years after our very first dive into Genesis 1.

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THE TRUE test of prophets is whether they have “stood in the council of YHWH to see and hear His word.” This week, we discuss the calling of Ezekiel and God’s first commands to the prophet.Continue Reading

There was an event on Mount Sinai that should be preached on more often. God called Moses, Aaron, and the 70 elders of Israel up the mountain — where they ate a meal with God.Continue Reading

The rebellion of the small-G gods didn’t work out so well for them. See Psalm 82 — a day is coming when the gods of the nations will die like men.Continue Reading

I have to admit that hearing this while listening to Dr. Michael Heiser’s commentary on chapter 31 of the Book of Ezekiel made my day.Continue Reading

GOD HAS a council that carries out His commands, and this week we get one of the few glimpses into its workings recorded in the Bible. It’s the story of Ahab’s demise in battle against the Syrians at Ramoth-Gilead, where the king of Israel is enticed by lying spirits to go to his doom.Continue Reading