Eight people were killed and hundreds injured at rapper Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival in Houston last Friday. His stage looked like a portal to the netherworld at the base of a mountain, an image that evokes Mount Hermon and the Grotto of Pan.Continue Reading

Media has been silent on a scandal highlighted by Elon Musk over the weekend: African children as young as nine were sexully abused by UN workers in exchange for food aid. Meanwhile, nearly two dozen WHO staff have been accused of sexual abuse in Congo.Continue Reading

COP26 got underway Monday amid reports that some nations have been lobbying the UN to tone down its calls for urgent climate action. Meanwhile, the Presbyterian Church USA publishes a climate hymn just in time for the meeting.Continue Reading

The FDA voted 17-0 this week to approve COVID vaccines for 5-11 year olds. One of the panelists said, “We’re never going to learn how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it.”Continue Reading

The head of a UN group on climate change warns of anarchy, starvation, and terrorism if nations don’t agree to cut greenhouse gas emissions. This fear-mongering follows the Great Reset playbook.Continue Reading

Dr. Anthony Fauci did a round of interviews this week with Tik-Tok “influencers,” trying to persuade the unvaccinated to overcome their hesitancy. It’s not likely to work; a new study shows it’s the most educated Americans who are least likely to get jabbed.Continue Reading