A bill loaded with amendments benefiting special interests is likely to pass the Senate this week. The bill would allow the NIH to pursue “in vitro culture of chimeric embryos”—the creation of hybrid human-animal embryos for experiments.

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That’s how one expert describes gain of function research on deadly viruses, which—thanks to an amateur research group called DRASTIC—we now know was being conducted on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology with US taxpayer dollars.Continue Reading

Emails from NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci reveals that he was thanked last spring for debunking the “lab leak” theory of COVID’s origin by a scientist who funneled grant money from Fauci’s NIH to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.Continue Reading

Guards on duty the night Jeffrey Epstein was found dead may have avoided a trial (and jail time) because they planned to expose widespread falsification of documents at New York’s Metropolitan Correctional Center and the Federal Bureau of Prisons.Continue Reading

After 11 days of rockets, Israel and Hamas have signaled willingness to discuss a cease-fire. The question is how long it will last and what the consequences will be for Israel’s relations with its Western allies.

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Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum suffered major losses after China tightened restrictions that ban financial institutions from offering services involving cryptos. Note: China’s central bank announced its own digital currency just six weeks ago.

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American media was fixated on hearings about the January 6 riot at the Capitol Monday while the al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount was engulfed in smoke.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Monday that he’s willing to let Naftali Bennett of the Yamina party take the first turn in a power-sharing arrangement, but it’s not certain that Bennett is ready to agree.

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We skip ahead to Revelation 16 to compare the sixth bowl judgment with the sounding of the sixth trumpet in Revelation 9. Is there a connection between the demonic army of 200 million, the angels bound in the Euphrates, and the kings from the east?Continue Reading

Joe Jordan, president and co-founder of CE4 Research Group, joins us from Daegu, South Korea to discuss the steps taken by the South Korean government to rein in SARS-CoV-2 and what we Americans can expect in the weeks ahead.

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