WHEN THE U.S. government does nearly anything with bipartisan support, you can bet there’s a deep state agenda at work behind the scenes.Continue Reading

Rep. Jim Jordan, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, revealed Monday that the White House did an end run around the First Amendment and pressured Amazon during the pandemic lockdowns to censor books that questioned the accepted narrative on vaccines.

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Despite knowing that it was spreading inaccurate information, the censorship office inside the Department of Homeland Security pressured social media outlets to conform to official narratives about security of the 2020 election.

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Matt Gaetz (R-FL) announced Sunday that he’ll file a motion this week to remove Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker after it was revealed that McCarthy cut a side deal with Democrats to get a stopgap budget bill passed.

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Vladimir Putin may have used the called-off coup this past weekend to his political advantage. Politicians in the West have trouble understanding his hold on power because none of them have the kind of popular support Putin does in Russia.

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