Persia Rising
WE ARE LIVING in prophetic times. The fact that Iran—ancient Persia—launched an attack on Israel for the first time in history this year is proof.Continue Reading
WE ARE LIVING in prophetic times. The fact that Iran—ancient Persia—launched an attack on Israel for the first time in history this year is proof.Continue Reading
NEWS HEADLINES are shadows of events in the spirit realm. It’s why Paul wrote, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood.”Continue Reading
THE ANTICHRIST’S KINGDOM will not be established by conquest but by law—one suffocating regulation at a time.Continue Reading
IRAN ATTACKED ISRAEL late last night, the first time the Islamic Republic has struck at Israel directly. The sight of missiles over the Temple Mount evokes images of the end times.Continue Reading
THE NUMBERS 9-1-1 have a specific meaning for Americans—the numbers one dials to call for help in an emergency. They’re also significant as the chapter and verse in the Book of Revelation that identifies the fallen angel called the Destroyer.Continue Reading
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE may be the tool that creates the end times church of the Antichrist.Continue Reading
THE ANTICHRIST’S KINGDOM will not be established by conquest but by law—one suffocating regulation at a time.Continue Reading
WAR BETWEEN Israel and Hamas was reportedly planned and approved by Iran. What do the ayatollahs hope to gain?Continue Reading
WHO OR WHAT are the seven heads on the Beast?Continue Reading
SOFT DISCLOSURE of the existence of “extraterrestrial” life has gone mainstream, with stories about UAPs appearing in the corporate media regularly since December, 2017.Continue Reading
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