ON THIS DAY in 1683, the king of Poland, John III Sobieski led a cavalry charge that broke a two-month siege, saving Vienna from the army of the Ottoman Empire. Had Vienna fallen, the history of the last 350 years would be very different.Continue Reading

A new tech company in Los Angeles claims it can create an AI-powered hologram to allow the dead to speak to grieving friends and family members from beyond the grave. Early customers include William Shatner of Star Trek fame.Continue Reading

Ambitious Tories smell blood in the water as Prime Minister Boris Johnson has lost support over Partygate and other scandals. Leaked emails and documents suggest a hidden hand at work behind Johnson’s ouster.Continue Reading

Yahoo News reports that the CIA is running a secret intensive training program for Ukrainian special operations troops at an undisclosed facility in the southern US. These troops could be deployed in a future conflict between Russia and Ukraine.Continue Reading

The pagan gods of the ancient world did not humbly submit after the Resurrection. Stunned and alarmed by the Resurrection, they withdrew, like the unclean spirit of Matthew 12:43–45, to a waterless place—Arabia.

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