A very large city across the Jordan River from Jericho was destroyed during the Middle Bronze Age, the time of Abraham, by something that exploded in the air over the north end of the Dead Sea.Continue Reading

Believers in the existence of extraterrestrial life were thrilled by a photo from NASA’s Curiosity rover that appears to show a doorway in the side of a cliff.Continue Reading

A piece of a milk bowl dropped by an Israelite 3,400 years ago adds more evidence to the story of the conquest of Canaan by Joshua and the Israelites. Dr. Douglas Petrovich, author of The World’s Oldest Alphabet and Origins of the Hebrews, explains why a small piece of potteryContinue Reading

THE RECENT MEETING of the World Economic Forum in Switzerland featured presentations by corporate CEOs on new technologies that could easily be integrated into the prophesied mark of the Beast. We also discuss the claim by the co-founder of a popular cryptocurrency that your future lies in something called a Soul-Bound Token.Continue Reading