HALLOWEEN CELEBRATES death and the dead. Today, we set aside our schedule of scripture to discuss the spirits and how they’ve convinced humanity that engaging in practices forbidden by God is not only harmless, but profitable and fun.Continue Reading

The FDA voted 17-0 this week to approve COVID vaccines for 5-11 year olds. One of the panelists said, “We’re never going to learn how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it.”Continue Reading

The Biden administration could make the supply chain crisis worse if it forces a vaccine mandate on America’s truck drivers. Recent polls indicate that as many as 30% would seriously consider quitting if forced to take the jab.Continue Reading

The head of a UN group on climate change warns of anarchy, starvation, and terrorism if nations don’t agree to cut greenhouse gas emissions. This fear-mongering follows the Great Reset playbook.Continue Reading

A new study by a Harvard researcher found that “at the country level, there appears to be no discernible relationship between the percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases.”Continue Reading

THE PUNISHMENT God ordered for a number of sins, ranging from sexual relations before marriage (for women) to rebelling against one’s parents (for sons), seems harsh by today’s standards.Continue Reading