More creepy Podesta art

podestacannibalismart1What we appreciate in art reveals a lot about our personality. Friday, I noted that the brother and sister-in-law of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, politically-connected D.C. lobbyists Tony and Heather Podesta, own a number of pieces that are disturbing to say the least — depictions of headless women, a photo representing an eight-foot tall naked Jesus, a life-size statue of a nude woman bending over backward suspended over the entry foyer, and “documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents’ suburban homes” hanging in their bedroom.

This spring, TIME noticed another interesting piece hanging in John Podesta’s office.

On the wall in his office at Hillary Clinton’s Brooklyn headquarters, campaign chairman John Podesta has an oil painting on loan from his lobbyist brother, who is an avid art collector. The image shows two men hunched over a dining room table, bearing knives and forks. On the table lays a man in a suit, who looks vaguely like Podesta. “It’s better to be the guy with the fork,” Podesta quips to his colleagues, if they ask about the image, “than the guy on the table.”

TIME reported this as the opening paragraph in its profile on Podesta.  No comment, just used it to set up the rest of the piece, as though art depicting cannibalism is nothing more than a curiosity.

Doesn’t anyone in the major media find this just a little bit twisted?

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