February’s Producer Price Index hit a record increase of 10.0% year-over-year. Added to disruptions in global food supply caused by the Russo-Ukrainian war, expect sharp increases in the price of food in the near future.Continue Reading

WE REVISIT the Book of Daniel as we discuss the ten horns of the Beast from the sea, John’s description of the Antichrist in Revelation 13 and 17. The four beasts of Daniel’s vision (Dan. 7:1–8) match exactly the bizarre creature described by John. It’s generally agreed that the beastsContinue Reading

The origin of the term for “king” or “ruler” in languages from Western Europe to East Asia is a word used by our distant ancestors for the pre-Flood god-kings, the Rephaim. And it was carried across the continents by the descendants of Noah as they spread out from the Ararat Plain.Continue Reading