HALLOWEEN CELEBRATES death and the dead. Today, we set aside our schedule of scripture to discuss the spirits and how they’ve convinced humanity that engaging in practices forbidden by God is not only harmless, but profitable and fun.Continue Reading

AN OCCULT organization with roots in British neo-Nazi movement has gone global, with a plan to call on the old gods to remake the world—a plan that includes human sacrifice.Continue Reading

GOD ORDERED the Israelites to take revenge on the people of Midian. This is hard to understand, since Moses was married to a Midianite woman—until you consider the context of the spiritual war being waged around the Israelites.

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The prophet Amos warned the leaders of Israel not to desire the prophesied Day of the Lord because “it is darkness, and not light”—especially since Israel had begun to worship Sikkuth (the Mesopotamian god Ninurta) and “Kiyyun your star-god”, both represented in the sky by Saturn.

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IT’S EASY to criticize the Hebrews of Moses’ day for their lack of faith. After all, hadn’t they seen the plagues that compelled Egypt to let them go, the parting of the Red Sea, and the manna that miraculously appeared six days a week?

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We skip ahead to Revelation 16 to compare the sixth bowl judgment with the sounding of the sixth trumpet in Revelation 9. Is there a connection between the demonic army of 200 million, the angels bound in the Euphrates, and the kings from the east?Continue Reading

I was honored to be the first guest on a brand new video program, Dark Matters, hosted by an old radio colleague, Sky Phillips. I hired Sky out of Albuquerque thirty years ago to do afternoons at our Top 40 station in Saint Louis. It’s been a long, strange tripContinue Reading

ONE OF the most important aspects of the long spiritual war is blood. The Watchers tried to corrupt human bloodlines by physically mixing it with their own. Today, humanity seems driven to transform what it means to be human through science.Continue Reading