Alexei Navalny, the main political rival to Vladimir Putin, died suddenly in prison Friday. Western political leaders blame Putin, but what did he have to gain from turning Navalny into a martyr?

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A bombshell report claims that the government is hiding information that shows how the CIA in the Obama administration cooked information to justify spying on the Trump campaign in 2016.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Wednesday rejected demands by Hamas for a ceasefire that included the release of 1,500 Palestinian Arabs convicted of murder.

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Rep. Jim Jordan, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, revealed Monday that the White House did an end run around the First Amendment and pressured Amazon during the pandemic lockdowns to censor books that questioned the accepted narrative on vaccines.

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The US launched airstrikes in Iraq and Syria over the weekend against target linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and Iran-backed militias. At least 40 people were reportedly killed in a move that is likely to escalate hostilities in the region.

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SkyWatchTV host and CEO Joe Horn joins us to discuss what lies ahead in this election year and Tom Horn’s last presentation for the forthcoming SkyWatchTV virtual conference, Confronting the Darkness.

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