If you missed it live, catch it from the archive! Chad Shafer graciously invited ⁦‪Sharon and me to be his guests as he filled in for Mike Spaulding tonight on Dr. Mike LIVE.Continue Reading

WITCHCRAFT HAS been rebranded in recent decades. Where once it was considered an evil practice inspired by the devil, now it’s generally considered harmless fun for kids at Halloween or a form of feminist spiritualism that empowers women.

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JOB HAS become a symbol for patient suffering in the face of overwhelming adversity, but there’s a lot more to his story than that.

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CITIZENS IN the United Kingdom voted June 23, 2016 to leave the European Union. Can Prime Minister Boris Johnson finally deliver Brexit over the resistance of the Remainers in Parliament? And why is Parliament going against the clear wishes of the British people?

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AFTER THE construction of Tower of Babel, the descendants of Noah spread across the earth. This week, we discuss the descendants of Shem, since it’s from his line that the Lord brought forth His Messiah.

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A SERPENT-SHAPED ridge about three-quarters of a mile long sits less than a quarter-mile north of Gilgal Refaim, the megalithic maze on the Golan Heights. This mound is three times longer and four times higher than the Great Serpent Mound in Ohio, but it’s gone unnoticed by the world—until now.

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