Ezekiel’s lament over Tyre wasn’t a simple proclamation against a pagan neighbor of the Israelites, but an already-but-not-yet prophecy that will ultimately be fulfilled just before Armageddon.Continue Reading

AFTER 2,000 years, scholars and student of Bible prophecy still haven’t nailed down the identity of Mystery Babylon in the Book of Revelation. Bill Salus joined us at the Hear the Watchmen conference in Dallas to discuss his recent debate with Joel Richardson on this topic.Continue Reading

GOD’S REASONS for His judgment against the apostate kingdom of Judah is the focus of this week’s study.Continue Reading

THE FAITHLESS prophets and elders of Israel were singled out by Yahweh for special condemnation in this week’s reading. We discuss those who should have been looking after the spiritual health of God’s chosen people, but who allowed Israel and Judah to fall into forbidden religious practices.Continue Reading

SYMBOLS OF the fallen realm are a theme of this week’s program, in which we whipsaw from a few brief comments on the passing of Dr. Stephen Hawking to discussions of horned gods and prophecies of the old gods’ return.Continue Reading

THE ATTEMPTED assassination of Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, England has amped up the mainstream media’s rhetoric against what Ronald Reagan called the Evil Empire.Continue Reading

THE TRUE test of prophets is whether they have “stood in the council of YHWH to see and hear His word.” This week, we discuss the calling of Ezekiel and God’s first commands to the prophet.Continue Reading