WE FINALLY got around to watching two of the recent movies in the Superman franchise. It reminded us how obvious it is that pop culture is doing a far better job of selling theology than the church.Continue Reading

No, not Hillary’s illegal email server. That was bad enough, but we’re talking about the use of America’s intelligence community by one political party against another.Continue Reading

The disclosure by Project Veritas that Twitter exercises a “shadow ban” on conservative comments isn’t surprising. Social media does not exist to facilitate free speech.Continue Reading

ONE OF the most important aspects of the long spiritual war is blood. The Watchers tried to corrupt human bloodlines by physically mixing it with their own. Today, humanity seems driven to transform what it means to be human through science.Continue Reading

Thank you for your birthday wishes! I’m spending an enjoyable evening watching classic Doctor Who and reading a book on the cult of the ancient god, Molech. You can’t stop me, you can only hope to slow me down.Continue Reading